Monday, February 15, 2016

Valentine's Love

My husband and I don't make a huge deal of Valentine's Day. In Fact, we spent most of the day at home just enjoying having the day off. We've never really done anything extravagant for Valentine's Day, and that's okay. Sometimes it's better because we truly do just get to enjoy our love for each other.

If you're like me, you probably have very basic needs for love day: flowers and chocolates would be nice, but as long as he makes you feel special, that's all that matters. My husband bought me roses and made lobster for dinner. I love lobster. Probably because of my New England roots, but it just brings back happy memories of enjoying my family and visiting Cape Cod.

Lobster tail, salmon, and brussel sprouts.
We went $10 over our normal grocery budget to enjoy a fancy meal, and quite honestly that's chump change compared to what most couples spend on love day. I want a fancy dinner out, maybe a romantic boat cruise, or a spa day as a gift, but honestly it would just cause more stress knowing we spent all that money.

I think the most common mistake people make when it comes to celebrating is that they think in order to enjoy a holiday, they must spend a lot of money. 

I love that this was my V-day. I hope you all had a great one.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Saturday 5Ks: Week 4

This weekend instead of going to the gym and going on a treadmill we decided to go on an adventure to Tillamook, Cape Meares and Oceanside, Oregon. I still managed to do a 5K just not a consistent one.

Fitbit Stats Week 4
Steps 9,163
Miles 4
Calories 2,878
Floors 40

It's important to always switch your routine up, and if you choose not to do your regular goal exercise, replace it with something that will still give you the same intensity but is perhaps more fun. If you live in the Portland area, I highly recommend taking a day trip out to the coast. Here are some pictures from our adventure.

Tillamook Cheese Factory

Oceanside Beach.

Some of these warnings are pretty stellar. 

This cave leads to another section of the beach. The beach is rock beach, but it's beautiful.

The lighthouse at Cape Meares.

The Octopus Tree at Cape Meares.

A view of Oceanside beach from Cape Meares.

De Garde Brewing in Tillamook, OR.

Living on the Edge

This week was full of it's ups and downs. I found my Fitbit last Sunday, we finished organizing our apartment, and we realized we needed to survive basically 2 weeks without any extra cash. It was pretty rough, but as an American I obviously just used my credit card whenever I wanted something I couldn't afford.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Trying Yoga

Alright, yoga has been a fad in recent years. I would say that almost all my friends have a t least gone to one class, if no a few sessions. I've gone a few times in my life, but I've always found it uncomfortable. No one really wants to go to a class and not know what the fuck is going on.

Saturday 5Ks: Week 3

This week waking up on Saturday was peer torture. I knew I needed to get up. I knew I'd feel accomplished after my run. I knew that it would only take less than an hour, but I so wanted to sleep in and cuddle my husband.

I did it. I got up, checked my weight (down 1 pound for the week), put on work out clothes and got on the treadmill. I only improved my time by 2 seconds, which I find hilarious seeing as I increased my running speed from 5.5 to 6.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Thinking Frugal

The funny thing about changing your life, is that life doesn't stop just because you want it to work out perfectly. I spoke to my sister about this today, and while I'm pretty frugal, I still am tempted every day to spend money.

I have a few financial goals I would like to accomplish this year: pay off my car, pay down my credit card debit, and save more money towards getting a house.

These things are constantly on my mind. It would be great to live in a reality that my paycheck was enough money to pay for every day life and enjoy some much needed extravagance. I want to go drinking, enjoy concerts and other such things, but piles of debt minimizes those possibilities. Here's a few helpful tips I plan to do this year to save money.

Monday, January 25, 2016

I'm Still Human

Yesterday, was a very good example of still being influenced by temptation. You may, or may not know that the football games that decide who makes it into the Super Bowl occurred yesterday. I'm a Pats fan. Always have been because of my New England roots. So let's just say it was a rough day.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Plan

So as I said before, this is more about my life journey than about loosing weight, but obviously getting healthy is important to me. Let's talk about how I plan to do that:

Basic Goals

1. Loose the weight: 

I check it, at my worst (two weeks ago) I was 66 pounds overweight. So I am trying to change that. Today I woke up and checked my weight. I will weigh myself every Saturday. I know ultimately the less weight I'm caring, the easier the rest of the goals will be. This week I lost 7 of those pounds. 59 to go!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Really Starting

Today I came home sick from work. I slept for 4 hours, woke up and realized I am slowing destroying any chance I have at being the healthy person I always claim to want to be.

To give you a little background
 - I work 10 hours Monday-Friday in corporate America. Sometimes longer if we have deadlines.
 - I got married in August this year.
 - I'm 24 years old.
 - I have crippling debt from student loans and living in the Bay Area for 2 and a half years right out of college.
 - I'm almost 70 pounds overweight.