Saturday, January 23, 2016

My Plan

So as I said before, this is more about my life journey than about loosing weight, but obviously getting healthy is important to me. Let's talk about how I plan to do that:

Basic Goals

1. Loose the weight: 

I check it, at my worst (two weeks ago) I was 66 pounds overweight. So I am trying to change that. Today I woke up and checked my weight. I will weigh myself every Saturday. I know ultimately the less weight I'm caring, the easier the rest of the goals will be. This week I lost 7 of those pounds. 59 to go!

2. Be able to enjoy exercise again: 

I used to love competitions and sports, especially volleyball. Now even the thought of having to exercise annoys me. A 10 hour workday five days a week is difficult, but you have to live and start changing. 

At a minimum I plan to:

  • Take 1 walk for 30 minutes at work a day
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator 1 time per day. I know you're wondering, why not every time? The 5th is really fucking exhausting to get to and I prefer not to be panting all the time at work.
  • Alter weighing in on Saturday i will go to the gym and at least walk/run a 5K. This week I improved my time from an hour to 48 minutes.
Eventually, I want to add more activity and try new things. Dance classes or yoga perhaps. We shall see where life takes me when I'm ready.

3. Eat Healthy: 

Pablo and I talk extensively about the food we eat and how it helps or hurts our health. Right after Thanksgiving we stopped eating red meat. I barely feel the difference. Sometimes all I want is a delicious French Dip sandwich, but I know that in general less or no red meat is better for me. We plan to remove 1 type of meat every 6 months.

Doesn't that mean you're going to be a vegetarian? Yes, I suppose it does. If it makes me a healthy person in the long run, than that's what I'm going to be. Maybe even a vegan if he can convince me that chocolate, ice cream, and cheese aren't amazing.

4. Fix Our Finances: 

What causes people to gain weight other than the obvious? I would have to say financial strain causes me to gain weight from stress. I feel like the closer to being debt free I am, the better life will be. This one will be crazy difficult. I love shoes...we shall see.

That's my action items. What I want to resolve in my life can seem normal, but it's never as easy as writing it down. Thank you all for reading. I'll check in again soon.

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