Monday, January 25, 2016

I'm Still Human

Yesterday, was a very good example of still being influenced by temptation. You may, or may not know that the football games that decide who makes it into the Super Bowl occurred yesterday. I'm a Pats fan. Always have been because of my New England roots. So let's just say it was a rough day.

My husband and I made the best of it. Spent the day with friends in downtown Portland. We had Fire on the Mountain chicken wings...which are not good for you. I would highly recommend the hot buffalo wings; they're delicious.

After the game we went to the Winter Hawks hockey game, where we had pizza and beer. I have a lot of damage control to do this week in terms of healthy eating.

The hockey game was really fun. If you haven't ever been to a hockey game, I highly recommend trying it out. The Portland team is apparently pretty well known for being one of the rougher teams in the league, and their fans fist pump to TNT whenever a point is scored. Seriously brings the fun level up a notch.

I think it's good to have days where you cut loose and have some bad food and sit on the couch. I made sure to go on two 30 minute walks today and climb the five flights of stairs to make up for it. Having fun helps me cope with the amount of exercise that I will need to do for the rest of my life.

Hopefully the rest of the week goes well. I'll keep you posted.

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