Thursday, January 21, 2016

Really Starting

Today I came home sick from work. I slept for 4 hours, woke up and realized I am slowing destroying any chance I have at being the healthy person I always claim to want to be.

To give you a little background
 - I work 10 hours Monday-Friday in corporate America. Sometimes longer if we have deadlines.
 - I got married in August this year.
 - I'm 24 years old.
 - I have crippling debt from student loans and living in the Bay Area for 2 and a half years right out of college.
 - I'm almost 70 pounds overweight.

All of these things are just small parts of who I am, but to be honest I think about them non-stop. My husband is the best man I could ask for, I really enjoy my job, and my education was worth the money. I want to think positively and remember these things, but all I can think about is my stupid work pants clasp not staying closed this morning.

Work Pants
 - Who thought of the hook and eye close for all women's slacks? A super fit person; that's who.
 - Why can't I find more options with buttons? Literally have only two pairs with buttons. I sometimes wash them more than once a week so I don't have to wear the other paints.

I'm picking today to put my foot down and say mentally, enough is enough. I'm worth making a change. I want to be old and grey with my man and I don't want to spend any of that time in a hospital. I never want to feel hindered by my weight again.

If you are reading this, thank you. I know I'm not the only one that feels this way. This blog will focus on what steps I take, good and bad. I plan to share it all. I hope you laugh, cry and progress in your own life journey's with me.

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