Sunday, February 7, 2016

Saturday 5Ks: Week 4

This weekend instead of going to the gym and going on a treadmill we decided to go on an adventure to Tillamook, Cape Meares and Oceanside, Oregon. I still managed to do a 5K just not a consistent one.

Fitbit Stats Week 4
Steps 9,163
Miles 4
Calories 2,878
Floors 40

It's important to always switch your routine up, and if you choose not to do your regular goal exercise, replace it with something that will still give you the same intensity but is perhaps more fun. If you live in the Portland area, I highly recommend taking a day trip out to the coast. Here are some pictures from our adventure.

Tillamook Cheese Factory

Oceanside Beach.

Some of these warnings are pretty stellar. 

This cave leads to another section of the beach. The beach is rock beach, but it's beautiful.

The lighthouse at Cape Meares.

The Octopus Tree at Cape Meares.

A view of Oceanside beach from Cape Meares.

De Garde Brewing in Tillamook, OR.

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