Sunday, February 7, 2016

Living on the Edge

This week was full of it's ups and downs. I found my Fitbit last Sunday, we finished organizing our apartment, and we realized we needed to survive basically 2 weeks without any extra cash. It was pretty rough, but as an American I obviously just used my credit card whenever I wanted something I couldn't afford.

This blog is about honesty, to myself, and to who ever is willing to read it. I know that what I should do when I realize I have $100 for two weeks of life is buckle down, buy the cheapest food possible and live like a hobbit, but that's rough when you're 24 and just want to hang out, drink beer, and do fun things all week.

I did bring my lunch to work three times this week, ate oatmeal twice instead of buying a breakfast sandwich, ate any free food that was available, and stayed home most of the days of the week. It's just so frustrating when someone says to you 'let's get a drink', 'let's go out to dinner', or 'we should go rock climbing' and you have to tell them you can't because it's out of your budget.

Count Down to Freedom

We realized this weekend we needed to write it down so we can get it sorted out. Right now we have 7 bills that can eventually be paid off: 4 credit cards, 2 student loans, and 1 car loan. The total amount is $40K. Student loans really are killing my generation financially. Minimally we have to devote $1,000 a month to paying these 7 bills. That's nuts! Here is the plan for pay off right now:

Loan/Bill Months to Payoff
Car 2
Small Credit Card 3
Small Credit Card 2 4
Small Student Loan 9

This doesn't include 2 credit cards and the bigger student loan. Mainly because those will take multiple years to payoff and I want to focus on attainable goals for this year. I'm really excited to be so close to paying off a car and can't wait to celebrate that small victory.

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